Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If you love something set it free..

Do you see what I see?
After many months of discussion,
Sunday we decided to free our red-eared slider turtles

from their boxed in clear tank

into their amazing & beautiful natural habitat.

They took a few minutes to take in the
vastness & stretch their necks to grab at some
tiny fish.. and they were gone without a seconds hesitation...
Dalton, Lala, & Liam enjoyed exploring this old "cave".

It was hard work keeping Liam out of the water
& the holes, mud, well, pretty much so everything..

The bridge where Speedy & old whathisname now live under..


Dalton (new haircut) & Logan
setting their turtles free..
Ahem.. isn't it illegal to dump animals...
Thats okay... the black n whites didn't stop for these
"Bad boyz"...

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