Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happy Thursday!!

I can walk around in my crib! Can you believe I am old enough to walk? I have to hold on to the sides but I can do it! I like to walk from fish bowl to fish bowl.. Mommy said she will put a video on here this weekend! Stay tuned!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A Sleepytime Picture...

Its been a while since you have seen how cute I am when I am sleeping....
p.s. please click on the google ad - i can get paid for it!! woohoo!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Standing Up!

Just because I can... stand.. up.. by myself...


Today we went to the Japanese Tea Gardens. They finally have it fixed back up & they have lots and lots of fishies.. They are very big fishies. They are called koi and I want some. I like fishies. I like them a lot. A whole lot..

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Look at me!!

My new diaper!

Daddy ordered me some new diapers (they are called Goodmamas - cuz if your mama buys them for you she is a good mama - ha - get it - good - mama??!!). They came today! Hooray for "Fluffy Mail" - that is what it is called when your cloth diaper stuff gets put in your mailbox!!
I wanted to look at it but it was hard to see over this weird thing they call my tummy! BTW, who knows who this high pitched "tummy bunny" coming to get you guy is? Mommy made it up & now EVERYBODY is on the band wagon.. Sometimes its funny but geez..

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Handmade Goodness!

a note from Mommy:

Bird and Little Bird is hosting a swap of handmade toys and children’s items to raise awareness about the problems caused by the CPSIA. For those of you that are not aware of what is going on with this law that is getting ready to go into effect in Feb here is a basic rundown:

The law was written with the intent to protect children from cheap plastic toys made with lead but it is ending up with unintended consequences like threatening small businesses, resale venues, and artisans who make and sell handmade children's items. I'm not sure that you know but there are still people out here that make toys and clothes by hand on a regular basis. I am one of them! In this day & age many people have the mindset of "who would make things when you can buy them so much more cheaply and quickly"? This new law will affect everything from the toys and shirts that I make for Liam right down to his cloth diapers! Literally, I would no longer legally be able to even trade for his knit pants.. How sad & silly is that?

At any rate, please be aware of what is going on in our government & read her blog post here for more details. Please go to & vote to support handmade!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I can STAND!!!

This morning i was playing in my crib(because i NEVER SLEEP in there) & guess what i did?

I PULLED MYSELF UP!! So.. I am not sure who was more surprised. Mommy or me? But now that I can do that - watch out world!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My new hudson hat & longies!

My first time at the park!

The swing was so much fun. It was kind of cold so I had to wear my hat. Mommy said when Ashton doesn't have her crutches and its warmer we can stay longer!! Oh. and can you tell Mommy got a new camera today? Whatya think??!!

This one is too funny not to post..

oops! I got caught!!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My brother Logan...

Tonight Logan went to Cotillion. He was all dressed up fancy schmancy and I stayed home & ate chicken & mashed potatoes..

Friday, January 9, 2009

January Pics

New Pictures.. taken in the front yard....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year & Happy Birthday to ME!!

Today is the first day of 2009 & today is also my 8 month old Birthday!!!

Cashmere is Yummy

So Mommy found a new store for me. Its called Janie & Jack & Mommy thinks its the most wonderful Liam store in the whole world! They have very snuggly things like the yummy cashmere sweater I have on in this picture. Merry Christmas to me indeed, Thank you Santa!!!

Dada & Mama

Did I mention that I said Dada first thing on Christmas morning? It was a very nice gift & it did not cost a thing! I am very smart... But lets not forget that I can also say MAMA if she is not in the room!!