Monday, October 26, 2009

Can you say tile?

Have you ever heard of tile"tenting"
- yeah, us neither -
until we woke up a few weeks ago to a 6" hill in our kitchen..
At any rate
we ripped it up & had a small mess
for the good part of this month.
After Jason spent the last few weeks
over getting the tile out w/o breaking it
we realized that sanding off the glue
from the bottoms of the tiles was simply
NOT happening..
Um.. no..
they do not sell the same tiles
as we put in around 13 years ago..
Anyways, thanks to Ryan
for teaching us how to
lay tile & grout over the weekend.
A really awesome thing to know how to do &
we so appreciate you
giving up your weekend
to put our house back together.
(or as together as our house can be with us living in it)

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